Products & Services
HACCP by Codex Alimentarius Commission
SQF - Safe Quality Food
Customer-specific supplier/vendor standards*
(MQA is not permitted to display names of customer-specific standards)ePIF via Bizcaps Software
There are six (6) components to MQA’s services.
Food safety advice and mentoring
Regular news updates
In-house training
(Note: We are not a registered training body)
Internal Auditing
Conduct a gap analysis
Conduct regular GHP/GMP audits of operations
Conduct regular internal audit verifications
Program Development
Food safety plans (Food Act, HACCP, GFSI)
Supporting Occupational Health and Safety
Supporting Human Resources
Program Implementation
Activate the food safety plan and all supporting documents
Activate all forms, signs, labels
Activate the Approved Supplier Program and other supporting systems to the food safety plan
Train staff
Conduct a system review to ensure all parts of the new quality assurance system is active
Continuous Improvement
Develop updates, as applicable
ePIF development and management
Food integrity monitoring via HorizonScan
HACCP, TACCP, VACCP risk assessments
Maintain the QA system (food safety plan)
QA administrative assistance
Acting QA Manager
Encompassing all above applicable components to manage the quality management system.